Saturday 19 December 2009

Santa claus is coming to town

In the land of the rising sun things are done a little differently, or at least with their own unique way.
Behold Ka-neru Sanda- (Colonel Sanders). We know him as the guy who with the secret recipe of herbs and spices, however in Japan he's seen as the symbol of Christmas.
During the month of December, people wanting to get in the "spirit" pre-order their Kentucky 'Xmas packs. These are then picked up on Dec 23rd, 24th, or 25th, and used to help celebrate the festive season.


  1. 日本をばかにすんじゃねー。

  2. My husband told his mum that it's a Japanese tradition to eat chicken especially from KFC...I don't think I gave him a wrong information...but obviously my info was twisted somehow... Yosh
